Hotspots refers to the three components of a Job to be Done (JTBD). When designing a solution for a JTBD, we should address the practical, social and emotional aspects of that Job.

In general, organizations are good at addressing the practical dimension of a solution—avoid fees and get cash back—but fail to consider the social and emotional dimensions. By social, we mean how others see us and by emotional we mean how we feel.
Going back to the milkshake example, the emotional dimensions of a new solution would ideally make a customer feel like they were being healthy and would keep them from sliding into boredom on their drive. The social dimensions would be not coming to work in a dirty car or with messy clothing. Notice also that people bought and consumed a breakfast milkshake alone and were a bit sheepish he when quizzed about their purchase. Although it was as good a solution as they could think of, they didn’t feel like it was healthy and weren’t exactly excited to make that known to others.
To make a causally effective JTBD, all three hotspots—practical, social, emotional—must work in concert.